5 small changes you can make to celebrate earth month with your kids and start clean beauty transition

April 22nd is earth day and I couldn’t be more excited to celebrate with Kai! Have you talked about Earth Day with your little one? I think the toddler age is the perfect age to introduce the idea and have them help in conserving for the environment. The entire month of April, we are starting conversations about small changes we can make for Mother Earth. Today, I am so excited to sharing my top 5 family friendly ways to celebrate Earth Month. As for us mamas, one of the easiest things to do is be more conscious about we put on our bodies and what goes down the drain.

10 Tricks to Get More Volume in your Hair without Extensions – Every Day Hacks for Women with Thin Hair

Over the last 2 weeks, I have learned so much about hair habits. As you all know, I started the Pantene 14 Day Challenge to pump up the volume of my hair which prompted a series of questions on social media. You guys chimed in with your favorite part about your hair and also your challenges. Many of them sounded JUST like mine! So many of y’all are moms, who only get the time to wash your hair 2-3 times a week, MAX. We look for different hair styles and products to get us through the “in-between days”.  Ultimately, so many of you also expressed you have thinner, postpartum hair that craves more volume. Today, I am sharing my Pantene 14 Day Challenge results and 10 tricks to get more volume in your hair without extensions.