My Journey to Finding the Best Clean Skincare Products in 2018

You guys know I have been on a mission to find the best skin care products in 2018 that is cleaner and more natural. It is a huge goal of mine to detox our routines but finding anti-aging face creams and serums that actually work is another story. For those of you who expressed interest in finding out the WHYs behind clean beauty, I wanted to create a cheat sheet of key ingredients to avoid when evaluating clean beauty products.

Traveling with Baby, Dog and Cat - What I Learned, Plus Lily Jade Lifestyle Bags Review

Yes, you read that right. We have completely lost our minds and thought it would be a great idea to take our dog, cat AND baby on a trip. For my 30th birthday, we decided to visit Galveston Texas for our first "whole family adventure". Sure, take a cat to the beach, what a fantastic thought! Amongst the chaos, we managed to make it through the weekend with full hearts and new experiences. Kai is still talking about her trip to the "theme park" aka Galveston Pleasure Pier. Here are a few things we learned along the way and toddler friendly activities in Galveston. Peek inside for my review of Lily Jade's Lifestyle and Travel Bags too!

Weekend Confetti Recap with Rainbow Carter's Toddler Summer Outfits

Over the weekend, we decided to visit her first confetti fun house together at the Montrose Studios in Houston. There are different rooms with unique themes, each colorfully designed and totally interactive. There are balloons, unicorns and confetti galore for her to explore. I also wanted to snap some action shots of daddy and daughter moments. When Kai saw the color space and heard her favorite tunes, she started giggly and wanting Kevin to spin and dance with her. I love watching her twirling to her own tunes in her Carter’s dress and dragging daddy’s hand to get him involved. This sweet moment totally reminded me of what’s to come on her wedding day. Okay, okay, I’ll stop before I become an emotional mess.

Blush and Girly Spring Update with Gordmans

Raise your hand if you like a good deal! I love the thrill of the find and also appreciate the quality of designers items! That's why I was super stoked to learn that Gordmans is opening the ONLY location in Texas on March 22 in Rosenberg, TX, a suburb of Houston! Our northern friends already love and enjoy Gordmans as this will be the 59th store opening. If you aren’t familiar with Gordmans, it is a fashion, home décor, accessories store in a similar format like Marshalls or TJ Maxx. They have an ever-changing selection of designer and fashionable finds at discounted prices. They even have goodies for pets too! (Olie and Atlas are super happy about that one). 

Celebrating Beauty in Diversity

The older I get, the more I reflect on my non-traditional upbringing and unique cultural experiences. As an immigrate from China, our family moved around a lot when I was young. We lived for many years in Europe before coming to America. I remember as a teenager, all I wanted was to fit in but everywhere I looked, I would be one of the only Asian children for miles. This all changed when we moved to Houston which truly is such a culturally diverse city! Now that I am older, I am really beginning to question the standards of the advertising, fashion and beauty industry and their inclusion of all cultural backgrounds.